A consortium composed of Vita Ambiental, Passarelli and Cobraspe signed a contract to perform works and repairs on sanitation networks which should improve the water quality on one of the river’s branches, the Pedreira/Olaria stream. The goal is to connect approximately 14 thousand households (each one of them equivalent to a “wastewater generation zone”) to the sewage collection system that will take waste to the sewage treatment plant of Barueri. These works also have the goal to reduce biochemical oxygen demand (BOD – amount of oxygen consumed through the degradation of organic matter) on the drainage point of the Pinheiros river in an 18 month deadline after the contract has been signed.
Read more about the works at: Revista O Empreiteiro: https://revistaoe.com.br/programa-novo-pinheiros-bacia-pi-36-em-sao-paulo-sp/